"History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives"

Abba Eban
"Then I say the Earth belongs to each generation during its course, fully and in its right no generation can contract debts greater than may be paid during the course of its existence"

Thomas Jefferson, September 6, 1789
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

The Report of the U.N. Brundtland Commission, Our Common Future, 1987

Gold sponsors:


Special event: European Project Funding for Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy Research in H2020
This event is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 3rd, starting at 13:30 in ROOM G

The Energy Challenge of Horizon 2020 is designed to support the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system. To achieve the transition to a competitive energy system, we need to overcome a number of challenges, such as increasingly scarce resources, growing energy needs and climate change.

The Energy Challenge 2018-2020 is structured around the following focus and thematic areas:

Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future: secure, clean and efficient energy

  • Energy efficiency (EE)
  • Global leadership in renewables (RES)
  • Smart citizen-centred energy system (ES)
  • Smart Cities and Communities (SCC)
  • Enabling near-zero CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries (NZE)


A budget of over € 2 billion has been allocated to non-nuclear energy research and innovation projects for the period 2018-2020. The session will help to understand the influences on the Energy work programme, how to find the appropriate EU funding opportunities and will cover practical issues related to partner search and proposal preparation

Agenda of the Special Session

  • Support  offer  from   the  C-Energy 2020  network
  • Financing  opportunities  under  H2020, including  international  cooperation
  • H2020 Energy Work Programme,  funding  opportunities
  • Using  the H2020 portal  and  partner  search instruments
  • Proposal  preparation

Presentations by Piotr Swiatek, German NCP and Kerry Young, UK NCP

The session will be organised by C-Energy 2020 – the European Network of National Contact Points for Energy in Horizon 2020

Session chair

Dr. Piotr Swiatek
Piotr Swiatek, Born 1953 in Wroclaw, is a German physicist Polish origin. He got his PhD in Solid State Physics from University of Cologne. 1986-2001 he worked as physicist in Research Centre Juelich, Germany.
He was Project Manager of "Fit for Europe" run by European Liaison Office of German Research Organisations KoWi untill 2003. "Fit for Europe" was a project supporting Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC), financed by the "Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft" and coordinated by KoWi.
The aim of Fit for Europe was to transfer the practical experience of KoWi to the partners in the CEEC, implement measures which will enhance their participation in EU Framework Programmes. 2004-2008 Piotr Swiatek was a Senior Science Officer at COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) in Brussels. COST is one of the longest-running instruments supporting co-operation among scientists and researchers across Europe. COST now has 35 member countries and enables scientists to collaborate in a wide spectrum of activities in research and technology.
Currently he works for the Project Management Agency of Research Centre Juelich in a H2020 National Contact Point Energy (NCP), on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi). Besides, he carries many educational activities for R&D cooperation with the EU. NCP is also a part of pan-European network of H2020 Energy NCPs known as C-Energy 2020 Network.
Piotr Swiatek has experience as EU-project coordinator and expert evaluator. He holds lectures on project management at the Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) of the Technical University of Cologne.
Ms. Kerry Young


Benchmarking the performance of cities across energy, water and environment systems
related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.